Education: General Practitioner

HeFSSA’s aim during GP workshops is to educate as many general practitioners as possible on Heart Failure and general Cardiology.

Please contact the HeFSSA office if you want to learn more about these events or if you want to participate in any of the programs.


CLICK HERE to watch any of the following GP Webinar Recordings Available on demand!

HeFSSA Heart Failure Management Meetings 2023 - Educational Material
4 November 2021: Forgotten Aetiologies in Heart Failure
30 October 2021: Cardio Update for Non-Cardiologists
9 September 2021: New Therapies – Whom and When?
26 August 2021: Acute Heart Failure Management 
12 September 2020: Diabetes & Heart Failure
22 August 2020: Heart Failure and COVID-19 
1 August 2020: A Review of the Heart Failure Guidelines 2020
11 July 2020: Contemporary Heart Failure Management

Copyright: Kindly take note: No part of these presentations may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Heart Failure Society of South Africa