Thoracic Breathing


Breathing has an effect on many systems of the body besides just respiration.

  • Breathing massages internal organs, mobilises joints and tones and relaxes muscles
  • During exercise, breathing helps to contract abdominal muscles
  • The diaphragm (breathing muscle) moves down during inspiration (breathing in), allowing the ribcage to expand to the back and sides as much as possible
  • Breathing increases the flexibility of the spine


Start Position

Lie supine (on back) Spine lengthened and neutral (normal curve of the spine in the lumbar region) Hands placed on ribcage, elbows wide on floor Feet and knees four fingers' width apart


Step 1

Inhale: Breathe in through the nose Feel the ribcage expand sideways


Step 2

Exhale: Breathe out through the mouth Feel the ribcage close



Repeat Step 1 and 2 four times

